Talks for parents of teenagers and pre-teens in London and Buckinghamshire

loving mother hugging tween daughter

It’s not just our children who need guidance!

As a parent, it’s often extremely difficult to deal with what they’re going through, especially when you can tell they’re struggling but they just won’t talk about it. Not to you, at least.

After all, you remember being in their shoes and thinking “my parents don’t get it”, don’t you? But here you are now, on the other side of this seemingly impenetrable wall.

At Brightstarz, we believe it’s a shame to jeopardise this bond due to miscommunication. So, after high demand during our workshops, we decided to offer talks for parents of teenagers and pre-teens to tear down this wall together.



Why our talks for parents of teenagers and children are more relevant than ever

We’re here to help you help them.

Whenever you see them struggle, your first instinct as a parent is to remember how you felt when going through something similar. That way, you can make them feel understood.

Here’s the problem, though: many of the concerns plaguing the minds of present-day youth weren’t really talked about when we were their age.

In some cases… they literally didn’t exist!

From gender identity to bullying and eating disorders, how can you assist your children with something that feels so foreign to you?

Breathe out. We’ve got your back.


Confidential 1-2-1 talks for parents of teenagers and children

Take the first step towards reaching a position to understand and actually help your child. 

Struggling to tackle a specific subject?

We know you mean well, but it’s easy to make children and pre-teens feel even more misunderstood simply by using the wrong language or counterproductive remarks.

A 1-2-1 talk with our founder Yvonne will clear this up.

Thanks to her background as a coach (and first-hand experience as a mother), she’ll give you the kind of answers, tailored help, and actionable tips that you just can’t get from online articles or forums.

Whether you’d rather take part on your own, with a partner, or other family members, don’t wait until things get worse! 

one to one confidential talks

Talks for groups of parents feeling in the same boat

Group parent talks

Learn how to offer your teens the helping hand they crave but can’t bring themselves to ask for.

From snippets of school-gate conversations, WhatsApp parents groups, Facebook posts… have you realised that other parents have been worrying about your same issues? Then get some guidance together.

We don’t require a minimum of participants as we want you to discuss this with people you actually feel at ease with, whether that’s a few parents or just another family.

Once you tell us a little more about your concerns, we can plan a talk at school or in a hired room across London and Buckinghamshire.

You’ll all walk away with a deeper understanding of your kids’ situation and the tools to tackle these issues in the best way possible for them.